Friday, June 6, 2008

Return of Indiana Jones

I caught up on the latest of the Indiana Jones on the first day of its release. The thrill of watching a movie on the first day is tenfolds than you watch it any other day, and I am glad I did before it went under the pens of the critics and old fans of Jones.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Harrison Ford still had a charismatic presence, my eyes would light up everytime he comes on screen, which btw he does every other second or so, but whoz complaining. He still is a darling!
Credits must go to Cate Blanchet too who plays the villainous Russian mind-reader, you would hate her the first minute you lay your eyes on her. And I could not stop adoring Mutt who just reminds me of Fonzie from Happy Days. (But I guess he wont be the next Jones, coz he doesn't get to wear the hat at the end of the movie)

Ford still retains the same old look, the same leather jacket, the same whip, the same highly credited hat, and a fear of snakes!!Nothing seem to have changed, it has just got better with great artwork thanks to the technologies of today.

The movie has all the antics and the charms that make people love Jones so much till date, and by no surprise the element of extra-terrestrials which are Spielberg's specialization( I am sure he thinks about them 24*7).
The hot ride on the Harley Davidson across the University library, would definitely bring back the memories of the 80s and sure keep the young at the edge of the seat. (Well, i was at the edge of the seat). The sword fight on moving jeeps is adventurous as well as hilarious. The climax is breath-taking and well ended, but it makes you wonder what "spaces in between spaces" actually mean!

A thoroughly enjoyable movie after a really long time, its just gonna be adored by all ages, the oldies for they idolized Jones heronics, the young who grew up watching him, and the kids who would just like to watch a nice treasure hunt movie with some cool graphics.


FlyingHigh said...

Me will skip this movie. Not my types.

FlyingHigh said...

Nice review btw.

raven said...

hmm... not even my nice little review would change ur mind to giv this movie a chance??